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Northwest Argentina

1-From a tourist point of view, Northwest Argentina has yet to be discovered. The best way to travel in this region is to stop whenever one's attention is attracted by something that calls for admiration. Be enraptured by a sunset on a multicolored hill, be bewitched by the musical sentimentality of an erke, contemplate the uniqueness of a sky full of stars, bright and striking, admire the capricious shapes and variations of colors of the enormous rock formations, the valleys, discover the great silence and living nature. All this can be found in this region of eternal harmony. Even the tourist routes follow the same natural tracks used by the ancestors of modern-day man. The attractions appear suddenly, behind a hill, at the bottom of a ravine, in a festival celebrated in a small town just around the corner.


2-If there is something that calls the visitor's attention to Northwest Argentina, it is the variety of shapes and hues, the vivid colours of the earth, its deserts, valleys and mountains, the break of dawn, the sunsets, the pureness of the air, its enormous silences, the bonhomie of its people, and the traditional fiestas, unique to the region.

The inhabitants of the Northwest are silent and hardly exuberant people. However, during the region's typical carnivals they don their best clothes, and gather their traditional instruments for nine consecutive nights of music, dance, and singularly colourful processions which find their roots deep in the local folklore.


3-Northwest Argentina maintains the roots of the region's pre-Columbian cultures though influenced by the habits and customs of the Puna. This enormous plateau is located at an altitude of 3,500 metres and stretches beyond Argentina, to Chile and Bolivia. It was precisely these cultures from the north of the continent that converted this zone into pre-Hispanic Argentina's nerve centre, later transferred to Buenos Aires, where the emancipation of the country originated.

The northwest has a rich legacy of this past, in the way of invaluable indigenous ruins, works of art, in which the influence of the pre- and post-Hispanic eras, form the special style of the region, and the colonial architecture, clearly evident in the buildings and particularly in some churches still in use.


4-The inhabitants of the Argentinian Puna, in the northwest, still proudly maintain numerous ancient traditions. Known as "collas", they maintain the cult of "Pachamama" giving thanks to Mother Earth who makes the "maize grow and livestock multiply" even though they are, simultaneously, profoundly Christian. They sing and dance to the rhythm of their folkloric instruments: the charangos, quenas, erkes, cajas and bombos; they weave the wool of the vicuñas, sheep, and llamas, making blankets and ponchos, and sometimes talk in Quechua, the language of their forefathers.

But there is more to northwest Argentina; it includes the provinces of Salta, Jujuy, Tucuman, Catamarca and La Rioja, five different physiognomies in a region larger than Italy, though only 5% of its population.

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